Monday, April 27, 2009


i took five finals in a ten-hour time span.

there was a boy in the library who looked like a young tom cruise. he asked a girl who was obviously just an acquaintance what color her eyes were. no, he didn't get her number.

i fell asleep on a wooden bench in the music building.

the cute hippie boy at turkey hill was taking out the trash. i want to be friends with him. he looks like he would be a good pal.

i laughed at my piano prof when i walked into her office to see her drinking tea out of a china tea cup and snacking on chocolates and cookies. she is my favorite.

yup. it was a good day.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Based on an assessment of my current situation, I should be having a complete mental and emotional breakdown right now. I should be sitting on my bed, crying, wishing that it all could just be over right now.

But I'm not. I'm calm. Almost eerily calm. I'm drinking water, not coffee. I have a neat and tidy to-do list. I'm taking things one step at a time, and slowly but surely getting things done. This worries me. I shouldn't be calm. I'm never calm during finals week. EVER.

In other news, last night I tapped my pen against Jonah's beer bottle and I guessed that the tone produced was an F-natural. I ran over to the piano, and it was! When I triumphantly returned with news of my discovery, he proceeded to simply shake his head and say, "sarah, you're such a nerd." I should start counting how many times I am told that every week. I could probably set a record.

I've also recently discovered that my bathroom fan hums a B-flat and our vacuum is an A-natural. Life is music, my friends.

Ok... back I go to my calm study habits. I'm starting to creep myself out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

if i believed in karma, today would have been my affirmation that it truly exists.

as i drove down strasburg road, i was thinking to myself how wonderful it is that i haven't run over any animals in quite a long time.

and literally just as i was thinking that, a squirrel ran out in front of my car, and the poor little fur ball met his untimely death beneath the spinning wheels of my VW.

i didn't look back to see if his tail was waving in the breeze.

poor little squirrel.

Monday, April 20, 2009

last night i was vulnerable and scared.

last night i laughed to keep from crawling into a little ball and crying.

last night i sat on couches and listened to music with people that i love.

last night i talked in a phony british accent because doing so was more fun than just being sarah.

last night i wondered how i was going to do it all.

today i drank tea.

today i blocked out distractions.

today i smiled because i couldn't help myself.

today i was encouraged.

today i relied on HIS strength.

today.... yes, today was a good day.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today's sermon in church reminded me of a dream I've always had. Jim was speaking, and expressing the extreme boredom he experiences when visiting museums. "I usually whiz through them in about 11 or 12 minutes," was his comment.

This reminded me of something I have always wanted to do. I'm definitely pulling a "NERD" card on this one, but I have always wanted to design museums as a career. The museums I design would not be boring, however. They would be fun, exciting, interactive museums in which the visitor leaves feeling inspired and satisfied that they had just used several hours of their time in a profitable manner.

Someday... maybe I'll get to design a museum. Maybe.

Friday, April 17, 2009

observation: school buses are the same color as the yellow lines on the road. i never noticed that before.

disgust: today i drove past a dead squirrel on the road. its tail was waving in the breeze. *shudders*

edit: i stood at rocco & anna's for 45 minutes, waiting for my pizza. got a 1/2 price coupon out of it. score.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

i'm here. i've missed it, and i'm back. back to the world of sharing the random experiences and thoughts that comprise my daily life with you poor, unsuspecting souls.

i have a feeling noone will read this. strangely, i'm perfectly fine with that. i think i'm doing this more for myself than anyone else. is that selfish? i wonder.

i suppose i ought to explain why my blog is "the yellow mailbox." i think i'll do that some other time.